申请国外访问学者的第一步就是联系国外导师,申请人会准备一封cover letter申请信,又称自我推荐信、个人介绍信。通常大家会选择发送邮件,向意向导师表达想去对方团队或实验室学习交流的愿望,并获得对方的邀请信。这封申请邮件(Cover Letter)就相当于我们访问学者申请的敲门砖。虽然大多数申请者在专业英文写作方面有一定功底,但是对Cover Letter的写作要点却不甚清楚,进而导致很多申请邮件会石沉大海。
访问学者旨在促进教育、艺术、商业和科学等领域内人员的知识和技术交流,注重的是态度、内涵、个人实力,所以最好避免空洞华丽、字句敷衍的情况。在表达上切忌不能事无巨细,冗长繁琐。同时,在写访问学者申请信之前,一定要先了解未来导师的科研背景,以及最近在进行的科研活动。比较有用的办法是看publication里面submitted 或to appear的论文,有机会的话下载下来仔细研读。
2. 意图明确
I am xxx, a Ph.D. candidate who studying at xxx University and will be graduated at 2009. When I got the news about the coorperation research between famous University abroad and my University, I was so encouraged and glad to check the information by all kinds of way
I would like to say your group is highly ranked in google, and that is exactly what I am looking for. The XXX is interested me much before I entered xxx University. So I joined current group focusing on XXX. In the XXX year of studying on XXX, I am deeply impressed that it is such a fast developing research field that XXX related papers were published in such a short time. So with the enthusiasm feeling, I hope I would have the opportunity to work under you.
My fruitfull work has always ensured me top places in my department. I steadily remained in the top ten students. Following my passion, in 2000, majoring in XXX, I entered the Department of xxx University. I was ranked No.1 in my class for four consecutive years and had won scholarships every academic year. In June 2004, being an outstanding graduate, I also got an excellent score on my thesis project. Through substantial field survey, resource collection, careful experiment and data analysis, I find the best condition which has the quicker transparency and measurement.
Owing to my excellent experience on studying and researching, I was selected by my research supervisor who show me the way of further education on xxx at xxx University. During the two years studying on environmental science, I gained the most importance experience is the biology knowledge which is related to the marine organism. To broaden my knowledge scope, whenever there was an environment-related seminar, whether it discusses environmental technology or xxx issues, I was there. Thanks to my master suggestion, I had a chance to take part in the 3rd International Conversation on the Prevention and Management of xxx in South China Sea in Hong Kong and was honored to give a presentation there.
I will be a fulltime student studying in your group for two years. After finishing my program which will be set by both you and my supervisor, I will get my Ph.D. degree at xxx University. I believe that, if given the opportunity to work under your instruction. Would you please give me a chance to study in your lab. Feel free to contact me.
Thank you very much!