第一步,搜索相关领域的专家 这一步最主要是为了有目的的发出邮件以获得邀请函。大家可以用excel列一个表,把所有专家的信息包括邮箱、学校学院、城市、具体从事方向、发表多少篇文章全都列出来。
第二步,编辑邮件 这一步非常重要,你的邮件要让收到此邮件的导师一看就会接收你。首先邮件的标题要非常显著直接说明你这封邮件的内容,邮件内容可以要说明出你访学的目的,为什么访学,从哪里获知到导师的信息,为什么会选择此导师,访学资金由谁出,英语是不是已经考过,等等,然后可以编辑成模板,给哪个导师发就补充相应的内容。这里附上模板一封,可能不是最好,但是确实都得到了回复。斜体字部分大家需要做相应的修改。
邮件标题名Inquire about the possibility of furthering my study ——名字Dear Prof. XXSorry to bother you.I am writing to inquire about the possibility of furthering my study at your department as a visiting postdoc or scholar.My name is XX, an assistant professor at the XXXXX University, Guangdong Province, China. I received my Ph.D. degree under my advisors XXXX. My research interests include high-performance computer architecture, low energy consumption memory/storage system, and modeling and scheduling in parallel and distributed computing systems. The attachment is my detailed resume. After acquiring the Young Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, I began thinking about furthering my study.I am really impressed by your work and publication that have been done in high-performance computer architecture, microprocessor/memory/storage system design,cloud/big data computing platforms, etc., and I want to work in your respected group to continue the research work in high-performance /low energy consumption memory system. Do you have any plan to recruit a visiting postdoc or scholar in your lab? If I could be granted the privilege to further my study under your guidance in memory/storage system, I should very grateful to you.I am planning to apply for the program funded by the Chinese Postdoctoral Council or China Scholarship Council. Then, the Chinese government will take care of my living expense during my twelve-month sojourn in American and pay my air tickets to and form American. I have acquired the Young Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, and I've published 11 journal/conference papers, such as IEEE-TETC, IEEE-TCSI, Journal of System Architecture, etc.Thank you for your time and consideration.Sincerely yours,
第三步,准备简历。 简历就因人而异了,但我觉得简历还是做得简洁明了比较好,而且要分类详细,比如说你的科研成果,不能把所有成果都罗列在一起,你需要进行分类,比如项目,科研论文,专利等。另外,项目最好把研究时间与所获得的资助金额写清楚。论文格式也要统一,虽然这只是一件小事,但这体现了一个人的态度。
第四步,发邮件。 把你所准备的邮件模板填上当前导师的相应内容,并在附件附上你的简历,点击发送就可,然后就坐等回复。当然这过程中,你可能很多邮件都石沉大海,但是你不要灰心,有些邮件可能会自动转发到垃圾箱里,你可以锲而不舍的隔几天给同一个老师进行发送。