A postdoc position is immediately available in Dr. Baohong Zhao’s lab at Weill Cornell Medical School andthe Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS is ranked number 1 in Orthopedics and No. 3 in Rheumatology) in Manhattan New York.
We study osteoimmunology, an interdisciplinary field linking bone biology and immune system, with a focus on the inflammatory regulation of gene expression and signaling in osteoclastogenesis, adipogenesis and skeletal damage involved in diseases, such as osteoporosis and inflammatory arthritis. Candidates from bone biology, adipocyte cell biology, immunology, metabolism and/or related areas are welcome to apply. A successful candidate is expected to have strong cellular and molecular techniques, such as cloning, co-IP, ChIP and signaling analysis. Histology and handling genetic animal models are preferred. As the projects will include genome-wide studies, experience or strong interest in RNAseq and/or ChIPseq is welcome. Candidates should have peer-reviewed first author articles and strong critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. PhD candidates expected graduations are highly encouraged to apply.
Relevant publications for this position:
Interferon regulatory factor-8 regulates bone metabolism by suppressing osteoclastogenesis.Nature Medicine, 15 (9):1066-71, 2009;
TNF-induced osteoclastogenesis and inflammatory bone resorption are inhibited by tranion factor RBP-J. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 209(2):319-34, 2012;
RBP-J imposes a requirement for ITAM-mediated costimulation of osteoclastogenesis. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 124 (11):5057-73, 2014;
RBP-J-Regulated miR-182 Promotes TNF-alpha-Induced Osteoclastogenesis. Journal of Immunology, 196(12):4977-86, 2016 featured article;
Def6 Restrains Osteoclastogenesis and Inflammatory Bone Resorption. Journal of Immunology, 198(9):3436-3447, 2017;
Bone protection by inhibition of microRNA-182. Nature Communications, 2018 in press.
Medical, dental and life insurances are provided. The compensation for this position follows NIH standard
plus additional housing supplement.
Full application including CV, 3 references and potential start date should be submitted via email to:
Baohong Zhao, DMD, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Medicine
Weill Medical College of Cornell University Assistant Scientist
Genomic Center and Arthritis and Tissue Degeneration Program
Director, Laboratory of Pathological Bone Metabolism and Osteoimmunology Hospital for Special Surgery
535 E70th Street, New York, NY10021 USA
Phone: (212) 774-2772
Email: zhaob@hss.edu
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