英国访问学者签证属于Academic Visitor签证,申请AV签证总会有客户担心被拒签。51访学网本文截取了牛津大学官网关于英国AV 签证以及家人的签证的相关说明,申请访问学者,高访学者,国际学术会议等,都是属于standard vistor 范围的。希望我们分享的内容能够对准备去英国访学的小伙伴们有所帮助!
If you’re applying as an academic
You can stay in the UK for 12 months if you’re applying as an academic. You must prove you’rehighly qualified within your fieldof expertise, on sabbatical leave from your home institution and visiting toeither:
take part in a formal exchange with aUK counterpart
carry out your own research
take part in someone else’s research,teaching or clinical practice - as long as this doesn’t involve fillinga permanent teaching post
为了能够更详细了解AV 签证以及家人的签证,牛津大学官网给了进一步解释,何种人可以申请AV签证。
Academic Visitor (up to 12 month visa)
Academic Visitors are a sub-group of the Standard Visitor category. To qualify as an AcademicVisitor, the applicant must be able to produce evidence that they are highly qualified in their own field of expertise andare currently working in that field at an academic or higher educationinstitution overseas.(主旨:想拿到这种签证,必须是领域内有高资质学术能力的;在国外相应高校或者研究所进行研究。)
Recent graduates, people on sabbaticalleave from private research companies, named researchers on grants, those beingpaid to give a/ series of lecture(s) and sponsored researchers do not qualifyas Academic Visitors and should find an alternative immigration route.(不适合人群)
Who can come to the University as an Academic Visitor?
Only those employed by academic or higher education institutions overseas in teachingor research roles are eligible to apply to come to the UK under the AcademicVisitor sub-category of the Standard Visitor visa route. Research staff shouldtherefore be eligible under this route but research students would not.
Visitors would fall under the AcademicVisitor sub-category of the Standard Visitor visa route if they are:(具体解释何种人可以申请AV,高资质学术水平到底是指那些方面)
on leave from their overseasacademic institution coming to the University to carryout their own private research (e.g. research for a book, for example);
taking partin arranged exchanges e.g. where the University iscollaborating with an overseas university on research and exchanges personnelfor some or all of the duration of the project. Any salaryshould continue to be paid by the academic's own overseas institution;(这个工资部分有很多人有疑问。到底在申请时候要不要体现工资,怎么表现经济保障,成了很多人的顾虑,仔细看哦)
coming to shareknowledge or experience or to hold informal discussions with UK counterparts(but not conducting research on University hosted projects);(研讨会:正式或者非正式都可以)
taking part in aconference or seminar that is not a commercial or non-profit venture;(参会)
eminentsenior doctors or dentists, (i.e. those considered to be top of their field ofexpertise) coming to take part in research, teaching or clinical practice.(临床医生研讨)
Please note that Academicscoming to the University to collaborate with University staff onUniversity-hosted research projects are likely to be classed as sponsoredresearchers, could not apply as an Academic Visitor, and would require need toapply for a Tier 5 visa instead.(拒签的大坑:与访问对象学校员工进行合作研究,会有可能被认为是受资助的研究者,就不可以AV签,需要T5. 所以这就与先前的政策有出入,区别就在于怎么让签证官看清,你不收对方工资,是国内给你发工资。)
Please also note that applicants under theAcademic Visitor route must be employed by an academicinstitution outside the UK. Applicants who are retired are not eligibleunder either the Academic or Permitted Paid Engagement (PPE) route.
How long can an Academic Visitor and theirdependants spend in the UK?
While a Standard Visitor visa is issued fora maximum of 6 months an Academic Visitor can apply for a visa for up to 12 months.(和其他标准签不一样,可以12个月)
Dependant spouse/partners and children ofAcademic Visitors can obtain Standard Visitor visas to accompany them in the UKfor up to 6 or 12 months in line with theAcademic Visitor’s visa.(家属随行的时间规定)
Where dependent children of AcademicVisitors are coming to the UK for 12 months the restriction that they must notintend to study at a state-funded school does not apply.(其他各种签证,孩子都不许上公立,AV孩子是特例。但请注意,得12个月的才行,六个月的不行,尽管上面说了孩子可以AD6个月的签证,但是想上学得12个月),another 大坑!
What can an Academic Visitor (up to 12month visa) do while in the UK? 来了啥任务?
An Academic Visitor can undertake otheractivities under their Standard Visitor visa in addition to the activitieswhich form the main purpose of their visit. See Visitors - Permitted Activities& Restrictions.
What is the Academic Visitor visa application process?
The process of obtaining permission toenter the UK as an Academic Visitor under the Standard Visitor visa route forup to 6 months is the same as that for other Visitor visa routes and depends onwhether the applicant is classed as a ‘visa national’ or ‘non-visa national’.
If coming to the UK as an Academic Visitorfor more than 6 (up to 12) months both ‘visa-nationals’ and ‘non-visanationals’ must apply for a visa in advance of travelling to the UK as ‘visanationals’ are always required to. See ‘What is the Visitor visa applicationprocess?’
What Supporting documentation is required?(重头戏:需要什么申请文件:官方明说的不多,但是很有蕴意,典型的英国矜持,让人自己体会,体会错了就拒签。真是让人略感无所适从。比如让你提供经济支持证据,银行房子车子各种折子各种工资流水是不是最好都有?)
Those applying for an Academic Visitor (upto 12 month) visa must submit the following documents in support of their visaapplication before travelling to the UK:
current passport or other valid travel identification()
1 passport-sized colour photograph(照片)
proof that they can support themselves during their trip(经济支持,银子够吗?)
details of where they intend to stay and their travel plans
an invitation letter from the host department/ college within theuniversity
proof that they are highly qualified in their own field of expertiseand currently working in that field at an academic or higher educationinstitution overseas, for example a letter from their employer
medical certificate issued by a Home Office approved medicalpractitioner confirming that they have undergone screening for, and have beendiagnosed as being free from active pulmonary tuberculosis(TB) - if applying from specified countries. [in page link toTuberculosis (TB) pre-screening below]
Guidance on requirements for supportingdocuments when applying for a Visitor visa can found in the Home Office Guide.
Tuberculosis (TB) pre-screening forVisitors coming to the UK for more than 6 months(六月以上的,必须肺部筛查)
There is a growing number of countriesconsidered by the Home Office to have a high incidence of tuberculosis. Thosewho are resident in these countries must provide a valid medical certificateissued by a Home Office approved medical practitioner confirming that they haveundergone screening for, and have been diagnosed as being free from, activepulmonary tuberculosis (TB) if they are applying to come to the UK for morethan six months.
Please refer to the Home Office website forcountry-specific information to determine whether TB pre-screening is required,and for full details in relation to the process and testing for dependants(including children).
It is important that applicants fromcountries where TB pre-screening is required are tested as soon as possible inadvance of their application and travel to the UK as if additional tests and/ortreatment is required this will significantly delay their visit to the UK.
When issued with a medical certificateconfirming that the applicant is free from TB this certificate must besubmitted with their application if applying for a Visitor visa in advance oftravel to the UK, or presented along with their invitation letter if applyingfor ‘leave to enter’ at their UK port of entry. The Home Office also recommendsthat the certificate is carried in hand luggage so that it is available forinspection on arrival in the UK.