![新加坡南洋理工访问学者、博士后招聘 | 人工智能方向](https://wx4.sinaimg.cn/large/b4d7923dly4gk557h66ajj20xc0kzgys.jpg)
南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University),简称南大(NTU),是新加坡的一所世界著名研究型大学。南大是环太平洋大学联盟、新工科教育国际联盟成员,全球高校人工智能学术联盟创始成员、AACSB认证成员、国际事务专业学院协会(APSIA)成员,也是国际科技大学联盟的发起成员。作为新加坡的一所科研密集型大学,其在纳米材料、生物材料、功能性陶瓷和高分子材料等许多领域的研究享有世界盛名,为工科和商科并重的综合性大学。
(1) Quota : One postdoc/A visiting scholar
(2) Salary : S$4,800-S$5,400 per month
(3) Project Topic:Deep Learning for Buried-Point Detection in Cloud Computing
(4) One year contract
(5) Application Time : As soon as possible
(6) Supervisor: Professor Niyato Dusit (IEEE Fellow )
(7) Research Areas :
• Artificial intelligence (AI) and Data Science (e.g., deep learning, reinforcement learning)
• Security and Privacy (e.g., anomaly detection)
(8) Contact :
Send detailed CV to Prof. Dusit Niyato (dniyato@ntu.edu.sg) and Dr. Kang (kavinkang@ntu.edu.sg)
(9) Preference :
• who has been in Singapore or other who can arrive in Singapore as soon as possible.
• Good experience for implementing deep learning model is an advantage
• Very good programming skills
(10) May stay at Alibaba research group in China for 1-3 months for project cooperation during this project.
Candidates with machine learning relevant backgrounds will be considered. Strong deep learning background and programming skills will be preferred.
A detailed description of Prof. Dusit Niyato’s research can be found at https://www.ntu.edu.sg/home/dniyato/