克利夫兰医学中心是世界最著名医疗机构之一,机构集合医疗、研究和教育三位一体,提供专业医疗和最新治疗方案的非营利性机构。克利夫兰医学中心始建于1921年2月28日 ,隶属于俄亥俄州一家非营利性公司——克利夫兰临床基金会,并由其经营。被美国以及全世界所公认的顶级医疗中心之一,尤其是在医疗技术和医疗管理系统,以及心血管疾病治疗方面。
Cleveland Clinic
Fellow positions are available in the Department of Cancer Biology of Cleveland Clinic to investigate the DNA repair pathways in cancer development and cancer treatment.
We seek candidates with strong qualifications in the following areas: mammalian cell culture, molecular biology, biochemistry and mouse models.
Application Requirements: A Ph.D. or A visiting scholar with relevant research experience is preferred. Proficiency in spoken and written English is also required.
Full applications should include curriculum vitae, cover letter, and contact information for three references.
Please send applications and informal inquiries to Dr. Zihua Gong at gongz@ccf.org.
The Cleveland Clinic is one of the top five medical institutions in the United States (per US News and World Report Best Hospitals ranking). The Cleveland Clinic is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.