Postdoctoral or visiting scholar fellow position in computational genomics, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA。
The Hemberg group, formerly at the Wellcome Sanger Institute has recently relocated to the Evergrande Center for Immunological Diseases at the department of neurology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston (website still under construction, but please see Google scholar for an up to date publication list).
The group’s research area is computational genomics and although the main focus so far has been methods development for single-cell RNA-seq, we are interested in all areas relevant to quantitative genomics and transcriptomics.
Current areas of interest include developing methods for multi-omics data, spatial data, population data, as well as genomic methods for cancer detection and treatment.
We are currently recruiting postdocs, and we are looking for people with an interest in computational or mathematical biology. Those with a background in related areas such as computer science, physics, chemistry, statistics and mathematics are encouraged to apply. Candidates with a background in the wet-lab are also welcome to apply as the lab has designated wet-lab space.
The funding available is for an initial appointment over three years. The funding is not tied to a specific project, so candidates are encouraged to propose their own project.
However, as the funding comes from the Evergrande group, it is required that the candidate is a Chinese national.
If interested, please send CV and a description of research interests to mhemberg@bwh.harvard.edu.