加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Columbia,又译“英属哥伦比亚大学”等),简称UBC,位于加拿大温哥华市,始建于1908年,于1915年获批独立,加拿大U15研究型大学联盟、环太平洋大学联盟、全球大学高研院联盟、Universitas 21和英联邦大学协会成员 ,包含温哥华校区(总校区)和奥肯纳根校区,是一所综合研究型大学 。
With support from funding agencies as well as privately funded initiatives, the Neuroinflammation Research Lab is growing. We are expanding our research efforts and are looking for committed team players interested in making a difference in health research and the lives of individuals living with neurodegenerative disorders including MS.
Focus project areas:
- Imaging and therapeutic strategies in novel preclinical models of neuroinflammatory disorders
- Limiting inflammation and activation of the blood-brain barrier
- Biomarker analyses in patient cohorts
- Environmental influence upon inflammatory and neuroprotective proteins and processes relevant to multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Project and Candidates:
Candidates with expertise in neuroscience/immunology related cell culture, molecular biology, murine preclinical and behavioural models are encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate will undertake a research project aimed to examine factors that regulate neuroprotective factors both in the peripheral immune and within the central nervous system.
Studies will span basic cell analyses through to more complex models and ultimately translation of these findings to human systems and disease.
Training & expectations:
Major areas of focus will include inflammatory mediators, oxidative stress, environmental stressors, immune populations, neurodegeneration and repair.
The candidate should have a strong record of independent work, excellent writing abilities as well as a demonstrated proficiency in several of the following:
1、Cell culture and aseptic technique, preferably involving both isolation and maintenance of rodent primary cultures as well as cell lines.
2、Ability to perform and troubleshoot a wide variety of molecular and cellular biology techniques, including many of the following:
RNA/DNA isolation, quantitative PCR, transfection, siRNA knockdown and cDNA construct knockin, flow cytometry, immunohisto- and cytochemistry on cells as well as frozen and formalin-fixed, paraffin embedded tissues, ELISA, protein isolation and western blotting;
3、A comprehensive understanding of experimental design and assay optimization is important.
4、Experience performing fluorescence and light microscopy; conventional and/or confocal
5、Willingness to work with small rodents is essential. Able to carry out and oversee procedures involving small rodents including immunization/injections, necropsy, blood sampling, and minor surgical procedures involved in animal surgery; applicants with experience in preclinical models of neurodegenerative diseases including MS are especially encouraged to apply.
6、Maintenance/monitoring of colonies of transgenic animals, including colony breeding, screening and management.
Interested applicants should send a CV and statement of interests to jquandt@pathology.ubc.ca. Applications will be reviewed starting April 21, 2021 on a rolling basis and the position will stay open until filled.
For more information please see www.quandtlab.com
This posting is for the UBC Vancouver campus in British Columbia, Canada.
Please refer to reference number NC-54569 during correspondence about this position. Please visit the researcher profile of the supervisor for this position to learn more about their research.