Tenure-Track Faculty Openings in Neuroscience at Georgetown University
Georgetown University invites applications for tenure-track positions at the Assistant or Associate Professor level in the Department of Neuroscience. As part of an expansion of neuroscience research, we are seeking exceptional candidates in the following two areas:
Molecular mechanisms of acute brain injury or neurodegeneration, with a preferred focus on preclinical stroke models.
Human cognitive neuroscience or animal electrophysiology, with a preferred focus on brain plasticity / learning and memory.
The successful applicant will have access to significant research resources at Georgetown University. The vibrant neuroscience community includes the Interdisciplinary Program in Neuroscience (PhD training, https://neuroscience.georgetown.edu), a modern brain-imaging facility with research dedicated human 3T and animal 7T magnets, a fully AAALAC- accredited nonhuman primate facility, and extensive shared resources (https://lombardi.georgetown.edu/research/sharedresources), as well as a multi-institutional CTSA for clinical and translational research (http://georgetownhowardctsa.org/about-ghuccts/about- ghuccts).
Candidates should have a cutting-edge research program with a theoretical and experimental basis that straddles disciplinary boundaries. Applicants should have a strong publication record and demonstrate potential to compete successfully for extramural funds. Candidates are expected to contribute to teaching at the graduate level.
The intended start date is August 1, 2018.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, their CV and a 2-3 page statements of research interests. They should also arrange for submission of three letters of reference. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, but the process of their review will start after December 1. For inquiries about the position contact Bill Rebeck or Maximilian Riesenhuber, search committee co-chairs, at neurosearch@georgetown.edu.
乔治城大学(Georgetown University)创建于1789年,是美国最古老的大学之一,也是美国最古老的耶稣会天主教大学。乔治城大学位于美国首都华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.),是一所在世界享有极高声誉的顶尖综合性私立大学,也被认为是美国25所全明星顶尖大学之一。
乔治城大学是著名的爱国者联盟盟校。除乔治城大学之外,该联盟由包括麻省理工学院(MIT)、理海大学(Lehigh University)、西点军校和美国海军学院(USNA)在内的其他12个精英学府组成。这些学府的共同特点是规模小和高度精英化。