罗彻斯特理工大学RIT(Rochester Institute of Technology) Dr. Kong’s lab招聘计算机视觉、机器学习、数据挖掘方向的博士生研究生、访问学生和访问学者。依托College of Computing & Information Sciences完整的学科基础,本实验室致力于解决计算机视觉理解过程中的理论、算法和应用等问题。如果你感兴趣,请将你的简历发到alexkongy@gmail.com。
RIT是著名的美国私立理工高校,坐落于纽约州罗彻斯特市,毗邻罗彻斯特大学UR,纽约州立布法罗分校UB,雪城大学Syracuse University,康奈尔大学等。最新的USNEWS上RIT的计算机科学排名全美68。RIT是美国历史上第二古老的世界一流理工大学。RIT是美国独立理工大学协会(The Association of Independent Technological Universities (AITU)的会员学校,该协会现有会员包括加州理工、麻省理工、卡内基梅隆大学等。详细资料请见https://wapbaike.baidu.com/item/罗切斯特理工大学/2437692?fromtitle=罗彻斯特理工学院&fromid=564959。
Hiring. Dr. Kong’s lab at RIT is looking for PhD students, master students, visiting students and scholars in the areas of computer vision, machine learning, and data mining. The lab is focusing on the theories, algorithms, and applications in the process of computer vision understanding. Please send your CV to alexkongy@gmail.com if you are interested. Please refer to http://www1.coe.neu.edu/~yukong/ for details.
Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) is a leading private university in the US. Locating in the city of Rochester, NY, RIT is close to UR, UB, Syracuse U, and Cornell. RIT ranks 68 in the latest USNews in Computer Science. Please refer to https://www.rit.edu/overview/rankings-and-recognition for more details about RIT’s ranking.
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