soman lab is located within the syracuse biomaterials institute, a central research facility housing equipment for 3d fabrication, polymer synthesis, material and surface characterization, cell culture, and imaging.
phd position (tuition+ta/ra scholarship): requirements: applicants should be self-directed and interested in working in a multidisciplinary research environment. a masters in an engineering, physics or chemistry discipline is desired along with good writing and communication skills. students with relative background in optics/laser/photolithography/microfabrication are preferred. hands-on experience in using lasers to fabricate polymeric structures is highly desirable. potential start date: august 2019. visiting scholar/exchange program/csc supported phd program: soman group also welcome visiting scholar, exchange program student and csc supported phd program students with backgrounds in optics, physics, engineering, biomaterials, organic chemistry and biology. for more information, interested candidates should email their cvs/resumes to prof. pranav soman ( please indicate what you are pursuing for in your email title. (phd position, visiting scholar or csc supported phd program student). syracuse university |
雪城大学(Syracuse University,或译叙拉古大学、锡拉丘兹大学,缩写为SU)成立于1870年,位于美国纽约州雪城,是一家著名私立研究型大学,与纽约州立大学环境与森林学院分享部分设施,在纽约市及华盛顿特区置有物业。雪城大学的系所质量兼备,授课领域包含建筑、法律、人类发展、表演艺术等,一直以来在全美各大专院校名列前茅。 1920年,雪城大学宣布自己为无宗派学校,但仍保持着与美国卫理公会的联系。1966年,雪城大学加入美国大学联盟。
2005年全美大学综合排名中,雪大位列54位,其中公共管理教育在美国名列第一,为全美联邦、州、地 方政府培训了一大批高级官员;
2005年全美大学综合排名中,雪大位列54位,其中公共管理教育在美国名列第一,为全美联邦、州、地 方政府培训了一大批高级官员。
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