The typical project duration is one year. Projects are expected to result in at least two first-author or co-first-author peer reviewed publications. While Harvard Medical School provides free access to all resources and facilities necessary to conduct the project, the candidate is expected to cover all costs related to the stay in Boston, such as accommodation, health insurance, travel and visa expenses. More information about Dr. Tobias Elze: Candidate Qualifications: How to Apply: About Harvard Ophthalmology
Position Descriptions:
We are offering a limited number of opportunities for visiting scholars with PhD or MD degrees or students currently enrolled in PhD or MD programs to join Dr. Elze’s Computational Ophthalmology and Visual Science (COVS) lab at the Schepens Eye Research Institute, Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Department of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School. The visiting scholar will apply statistics, image processing and machine learning methods to better understand the underlying mechanisms of ophthalmic diseases and to develop new diagnostic and prognostic procedures. Our team closely collaborates with clinicians from numerous academic and clinical institutions, such as Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Columbia University, and Johns Hopkins University. The visiting scholar will work with Dr. Tobias Elze and Dr. Mengyu Wang.
https://connects.catalyst.harvar … splay/Person/103995
More information about Dr. Mengyu Wang:
https://connects.catalyst.harvar … splay/Person/142596
For PhD:
The ideal candidate for this position will be a highly motivated individual with a track record of publications and a PhD degree or a PhD student in statistics, bio-statistics, computer science, electrical engineering, biomedical engineering or a related discipline. The ideal applicant will have expertise and experience in statistical analyses and machine learning methods. Proficiency in programming (R, Python, MATLAB, etc.) is desired. Experience with analyzing ophthalmic data is a plus but is not required.
For MD:
The ideal candidate for this position will be a highly motivated individual majoring in ophthalmology or visual science with a track record of publications. Essential understanding of statistics and basic programming skills are desired. The ideal applicant will have prior clinical research experience and will be motivated to develop their own research ideas that are clinically important to eye disease diagnosis and prognosis.
Candidates should send a brief cover letter of up to 300 words describing their interests, recent work, and why they believe that they are a good match for this position and when is the soonest date that they could start the appointment (the position is available immediately). The applications should also include a CV (including all publications and 3 referrers). All material needs to be provided in English and in pdf format. The applications or any additional questions regarding the position should be sent via e-mail to:
Mengyu Wang, PhD
Harvard Ophthalmology ( is one of the leading and largest academic departments of ophthalmology in the United States. More than 350 full-time faculty and trainees work at nine Harvard Medical School (HMS) affiliate institutions, including Massachusetts Eye and Ear, Schepens Eye Research Institute of Mass. Eye and Ear, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston Children’s Hospital, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Joslin Diabetes Center/Beetham Eye Institute, VA Boston Healthcare System, VA Maine Healthcare System, and Cambridge Health Alliance. Formally established in 1871, the department has been built upon a strong and rich foundation in medical education, research, and clinical care. Through the years, faculty and alumni have profoundly influenced ophthalmic science, medicine, and literature—helping to transform the field of ophthalmology from a branch of surgery into an independent medical specialty at the forefront of science.
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