SETTING: Brighham Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Medical College, Medical Engineering
Contact Information:,
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Dr. Shin’s published paper: user=MTz7YoUAAAAJ&hl=en
Research area:
1. Develop nano biomaterials for various tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications.
2. Develop 3D bionic tissue constructs for blood vessels, heart, skeletal muscle, bone and brain for regenerative medicine applications
3. Develop novel 3D or 4D bio-printing systems and bio-links.
4. Develop biosensors to monitor cell behavior and biomarkers.
5. Develop microfluidic-based on-chip organ systems to monitor drug toxicity.
6. Use electroactive polymers to develop cell-based bio-hybrid actuators and microactuators for artificial muscle applications.
7. Develop flexible bioelectronics for biomedical applications.
1. Visiting students and postdoctoral researchers at their own expense: Applicants with chemical background (synthesis of new nanomaterials and biomaterials), microfluidic, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, biosensor, tissue engineering, bioelectronics and stem cell biology are preferred. Applicants who plan to visit for more than 6 months will be given priority. CV and three references are required. Sources of funding should be clearly stated.
2. visiting professor: interested applicants please send their resumes to dr Shin.
1994年由美国哈佛大学医学院两家最大的附属医院麻省总医院(Massachusetts General Hospital)和布列根和妇女医院(Brigham and Women’s Hospital)联合成立了美国联盟医疗体系(Partners HealthCare,成员单位已发展为十多家,包括五家哈佛大学医学院附属医院。
其中,哈佛大学医学院附属麻省总医院在2012-2013年度的《美国新闻与世界报道(US News & World Report)》美国最佳医院荣誉榜(the Honor Roll)中,在全美参评的5000多家医院中力拔头筹,位于榜单的第一名。哈佛大学医学院附属布列根和妇女医院位于榜单的第九名。该联盟在美国医院历年排名中均居首位,拥有很多世界上最前沿的医学研究成果以及最新的科研设备,并汇聚了全世界最顶级的医学专家和最先进的医疗科技,至今已产生18位诺贝尔医学奖获得者,在世界范围内享有盛名。
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