The main research direction of the research group is epigenetic molecular mechanism and signal pathway of myocardial development, myocardial cell regeneration and lung development. It involves in vitro (cell line, primary cell, ES cell, iPSC, etc.) and in vivo models (mice, rats, pigs), as well as clinical research on myocardial infarction, congenital heart disease and other diseases. The research group has developed the Aurkberce/+mouse tool, which makes up the technical gap of accurate quantification of adult myocardial cell proliferation in the previous cardiac research field, and published a cover article in the top academic journal Science(IF=41.058).
At the same time, he has published many academic papers in top academic journals such as Circulation(IF=18.881), Circ. Res(IF=15.211), J. Clin. Invest(IF=13.251), Am. J. Clin. Nutr(IF=6.549), Development(IF=5.413), hum.mol.gene (if = 4.902) and has been widely cited.
(Introduction of Professor UMSOM Li Deqiang:
Now it is open to admit visiting scholars. Welcome all colleagues who are interested in joining the heart health research to join us!
Recruitment requirements:
1. Relevant research work experience and English communication and writing skills
2. it is better to have domestic living funds (CSC, etc.), and the experimental research funds shall be borne by Dr. Li laboratory
3. Responsible, team spirit and enterprising attitude
Recruitment process:
1. From the date of this announcement, anyone who meets the recruitment requirements can sign up. This recruitment is valid for a long time. You are welcome to join at any time!
2. Interested parties are requested to send relevant materials (degree certificates, etc.) and resumes that can prove their abilities and abilities to (DR. Li) via email with the subject of “Visiting Scholar _ Name”
3. Dr.Li will conduct skype interview for those who pass the preliminary examination.
Dr. Deqiang Li’s research group sincerely welcomes you to join us!
马里兰大学医学院(The University of Maryland School of Medicine,UMSOM)建校于1807年,是美国历史上第一所公立医科大学。在建校212周年后的今天,它也依然是蓬勃发展、欣欣向荣的世界顶级医学院校之一。UMSOM与the University of Maryland Medical Center 和 Medical System紧密协作,每年经费超过10亿元,并为120万病患提供医疗服务。UMSOM学术科研气氛浓厚,每年投入大量经费支持各项医学研究,平均每位PI可以获得41万美金以上的项目资助,在ASSOCIATION of AMERICAN MEDICAL COLLEGES排名中位列全美公立医科院校的第8位。UMSOM的外科学在BLUE RIDGE RANKINGS中排名第10,是UMSOM的重点学科。
Dr. Deqiang Li是UMSOM的外科学教授、美国心脏病协会会员、美国心脏病协会科学发展项目基金负责人,长期从事心脏干细胞发育和再生领域的研究。
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