Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Location: Boston, MA
We are seeking a highly-motivated Postdoctoral Fellow who will lead the investigation and be responsible for the conduct of laboratory based research in immune therapy for cancer. The project will investigate the role of angiogenesis in immune regulation and homing. This work will strive to improve understanding of the interplay of angiogenesis and immune checkpoint blockade as well as other immune therapy interventions. This work involves skills that include sterile tissue culture, preparation of cells and experiments for screening and validating novel biologically-based therapeutic targets by standard cytotoxicity tests, flow cytometry, cytof, and immunoblottings. The development of novel immunologic techniques and applying novel technologies will be included in this effort in addition to animal work.
Ph.D or M.D in biology or related field required.The successful candidate will be very organized, a team player and able to work flexible hours in order to accommodate experimental needs. We are looking for a bright, motivated, dedicated individual with strong scientific, organizational and inter-personal skills. The mission of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is to provide expert, compassionate care to children and adults with cancer while advancing the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure, and prevention of cancer and related diseases.Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is an equal opportunity employer and affirms the right of every qualified applicant to receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, national origin, sexual orientation, genetic information, disability, age, ancestry, military service, protected veteran status, or other groups as protected by law.
丹娜法伯癌症研究院(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)成立于1947年,是美国哈佛大学医学院的癌症专科附属医院,美国联邦政府指定的综合性癌症治疗中心,产生了1位诺贝尔医学奖获得者。在癌症基因定位治疗、癌症免疫治疗、癌症内分泌治疗、癌症生物治疗、癌症疫苗等临床方面世界领先。成人肿瘤的治疗优势全美领先;儿童肿瘤的治疗更是历年全美排名第一。丹娜法伯癌症研究院自成立以来一直致力于为癌症患者提供专业的、最好的医疗服务,同时通过前沿尖端研究提高对癌症及相关疾病的认识、诊断、治疗及预防等。作为美国哈佛大学医学院附属医院及美国联邦政府指定的综合性癌症中心,丹娜法伯癌症研究院还对新一代的医生及专家进行培训,提高高危地区及医疗水平低下地区的公共医疗水平,并在全美及世界范围内宣传先进的治疗方法及科学新发现。当前,丹娜法伯癌症研究院拥有4,000名工作人员,每年接待约300,000名患者。每年有700多项临床试验可供选择,并因其在临床及研究方面的双重优势在世界范围内声名远扬。
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