Several postdoctoral associate positions are available in acancer research lab that will be moved from UNC-Chapel Hill to University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center (UTSW). The duration of position is at least 3-4years with the possibility for a renewal. The lab currently studies the hypoxiasignaling, prolyl hydroxylase as well as tumor suppressor signaling in cancer, specifically breast and renal cell carcinoma. Our research is funded by NCI, ACS, DOD as well as Cancer Prevention & Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT)Rising Star Award (5 year award). Please see the page for research andpublication details: https://unclineberger.org/qingzhanglab/
We are seeking candidates who are highly motivated andcareer-oriented.
Qualified candidate must have a Ph.D or MD degree with strongbackground in molecular/cell biology, biochemistry and cancer biology.
Please refer to our recent publications for details: [EMBO J 2015 2015 Dec2;34(23):2953-70 ; Genes&Development, 2014 Jul1;28(13):1429-44; Cancer Research, 2017, Sept 15;77(18):4881-4893; Science, 2018 July 20; 361:290-295].
The interested candidates should send a CV, a cover letter andcontact information of three references to Dr. Qing Zhang at qingzhangwhu@gmail.com.
在建校的75年历史中,德州大学西南医学中心的研究者共获得过6次诺贝尔奖,现在中心的教员中有4名诺奖获得者, 23名国家科学院院士,19名国家医学科学院院士,以及15名霍华德休斯医学院研究员(HHMI)。
西南医学中心在2016年的Academic Ranking of World Universities (世界大学排名)中被排在全球医学院第9位;在2017的US News最佳医学院排名中排名第8位(医疗)和第25位 (基础研究):各专科分项中免疫学第9位,分子生物学第10位,细胞生物学第10位, 生物化学第11位。
更值得一提的是,在自然杂志Nature Index 2017 Innovation的排名中,西南医学中心被排在全美第5位,肯定了中心将基础科研转化为医药工业实践的雄厚实力。 西南医学中心坐落在达拉斯-沃斯堡都会区,是美国第四大的城市群,人口615万,是近年来美国经济最活跃和发达的地区之一。
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