Job description: We are looking for a highly motivated post-doctoral researcher to join our team in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Georgia. Principal Investigator Dr. Zhang’s lab is mainly focused on the function of non-coding RNA, such as microRNA and long-noncoding RNA in acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Current projects are supported by National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant to investigate the role of long-noncoding RNA macrophages during lung inflammation. A post-doctoral fellow in our lab will have the opportunity to lead the development of new biotherapeutic technologies designed to modulate inflammatory responses in acute lung disease. The initial appointment is for one or two years, renewal expected if progress is satisfactory and funds are available. Appointments cannot exceed five years.
• Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Immunology, Biochemistry, or a related discipline.
• Extensive experience with basic molecular biology skills and mouse models.
• Excellent scientific writing ability and oral communication skills.
• Have a growth mindset, enjoy working in a team, and be highly motivated to publish high-impact work.
About Us:
Dr. Zhang’s Lab is located at The University of Georgia, Augusta, GA. Research interest of Dr. Zhang’s Lab focus on understanding the role of non-coding RNA, which regulates many aspects of human lung diseases. The projects in Dr. Zhang’s lab are funded by NIH. We are committed to the career development of our trainees and their success is our top priority.
The University of Georgia, a land-grant and sea-grant university with statewide commitments and responsibilities is the state’s oldest, most comprehensive and most diversified institution of higher education. The Augusta program is located on the site of the Augusta University Health System Campus, including AU Medical Center and The Children’s Hospital of Georgia. This campus has colleges of medicine, nursing, and other health care training programs. Augusta is ideally situated near the Savannah River on the border of Georgia and South Carolina, 100 miles from the main University of Georgia campus and within easy access to coastal areas, and mountains.
To apply, please send your CV and a list of three references to
PI information:
Duo Zhang, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy
College of Pharmacy
University of Georgia, Augusta, GA, USA.
美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia)创建于1785年,历史十分久远,首位校长以及一位校董事会成员参与起草和签署了美国《独立宣言》。作为美国公立高等教育的发源地,佐治亚大学也是全美第一所公立大学。
佐治亚大学位于佐治亚州东北部的雅典城(Athens),距州府亚特兰大90公里,是全美国最大的大学城之一。佐治亚州农业很发达,旅游业也很盛, 每年由州外之地来此游乐的人, 花费多至四亿美元。
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