1. Organizational structure
The Hermè re Institute, the biomedical research center of the University of Minnesota, was established in 1942 and enjoys a high reputation and a long history in the world-class medical research field.
The research results of the Institute led to the second major expansion of its research facilities and the opening of a new and state-of-the-art laboratory in January 2016. It has provided scientists with the first new cutting-edge equipment, including the cryoelectron microscope (titankrios and tecniai g2 spirit biotwin);
FACS cell sorter; Confocal microscope; Flow cytometer; proteincrystallography robotics and defraction system; nano-HPLC-AB SCIEX triple TOF5600 mass spectrometry; aBlue Gene/L and 3 racks of Linux GPU supercomputers for computational biologyand bioinformatics; And spectrophotometer.
2. Job description
This job opportunity comes from the computational cancer genomics laboratory of dr yang rendong of the university of Minnesota’s holme institute.
They need a highly motivated and professional visiting position in bioinformatics.
You need to lead multiple research projects, develop new algorithms, conduct data analysis, collaborate with biologists and doctors, and publish results in scientific conferences or journals. Their research direction is to explore the functional consequences of somatic changes in cancer patients, identify the driving changes, and understand the genetic mechanism of cancer progression and drug action by integrating multidimensional data of large-scale cancer research, such as cancer genome map (TCGA).
3. Requirements
Ph.D. degree or doctoral student in bioinformatics, computational biology, computer science, statistics, physics, biology or related fields
At the same time, I have Linux experience.
Proficient in at least one computer language (such as Python, R, Perl, Java, C/C++,Matlab).
Experience in processing high throughput sequence data analysis (WGS,WES, RNA-Seq, ChIP-Seq)
Have the ability of efficient oral and written expression
4. Introduction of Laboratory
The main direction of the laboratory is large-scale and multi-dimensional genome data analysis to understand the occurrence and development of diseases.
Research projects need to develop highly accurate and sensitive computer algorithms to analyze large-scale genomic data, especially in the field of detection and analysis of genetic and somatic mutations.
The sample project covers technology-driven research from algorithms developed for a wide range of applications (e.g. Yang etal., Bioinformatics 2010; Yang et al., BMC Genomics 2014; Yang et al., GenomeMedicine 2015), to hypothesis-driven research on specific biological problems whose main goal is to discover and promote biological knowledge (e.g. Asanganiet al., Nature 2014; Henzler et al., Nature Communications 2016; Katerndahl etal., Nature Immunology 2017)。
5. How to apply
Send a cover letter and CV to Dr. Rendong Yang (yang4414@umn.edu)
明尼苏达大学(University of Minnesota Twin Cities),简称U of M或UMN,通常指明尼苏达大学双城校区,是一所位于美国明尼苏达州双子城(即明尼阿波利斯与圣保罗)的世界著名公立研究型大学,为明尼苏达大学系统历史最悠久,规模最大的分校,亦常被直接称为明尼苏达大学。自1851年建校至今,学校已拥有众多声名显赫的校友,截止2018年已有30位诺贝尔奖得主,1位前美国首席大法官,2位前美国副总统,以及多位名列美国财富500强的企业巨子,具有优秀的教育和服务社会的传统。许多世界顶尖的技术和发明在明大诞生:飞行记录器(黑匣子)、可收取式汽车安全带、心脏起搏器、心肺呼吸器等。明大拥有肾脏移植机构。
明尼苏达大学是美国十大联盟(Big Ten Conference)、美国大学协会(AAU)的成员校之一,也是国际21世纪学术联盟的成员之一,为世界著名的本科、研究生教育学府和研究机构,被誉为“公立常春藤”。
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