The University of Southern California) received a doctor’s degree from professor Clay C.C.Wang, followed by post-doctoral training in UCSF and Standford, California, USA. the research team of professor Michael Fischbach is engaged in the research on the mechanism of small molecules of intestinal microorganisms.
Dr. Guo Chunjun joined Cornell University-Weill Cornell Medicine in the United States as Assistant Professor (Tenure-Track) in September 2018 to carry out independent research work. The research direction of the research group is to use gene editing technology (CRISPR) to modify intestinal flora and study its biological activity of releasing small molecules and its influence on host physiological function. At present, Dr. Guo Chunjun has published 17 papers in authoritative journals (Cell, Nat. Commun, JACS, PNAS) in comprehensive or professional fields.For details, please see:
Types of recruitment: doctoral students, postdoctoral students, visiting scholars;
Recruitment school: cornell university-weill cornell medicine;
School address: 413 E 69th Street, New York, NY 10021;
Major: PhD applicants need bachelor’s degree in microbiology, chemical biology or immunology. Post-doctoral and visiting scholars need microbial gene editing, (intestinal) immunity, or bioinformatics background, experience in mass spectrometry is preferred; Entry time: the post-doctoral and visiting scholar positions are open all year round; Ph.D. students will be admitted in winter 2018 or autumn 2019. Love scientific research, have a strong desire to explore, initiative, sense of responsibility, and team spirit; Can communicate simply in English and write academic papers skillfully in English.
(Editor’s Note: After a short contact with the teacher, I feel young and promising, and I am very modest. The location is excellent. I strongly recommend it.)
Registration method: Postdoctoral and visiting scholars should send their resumes, references and research interest profiles to Doctoral applicants can apply directly to the school website and fill in Guo Chunjun’s research group as the intention laboratory.
截止2018年,共有58位康奈尔大学的校友或教研人员曾荣获诺贝尔奖,在全球高校中列第十二位,居全美第十位。康奈尔大学名列2017-18年US News全美大学本科排名第14。2017年世界大学排名机构CWUR排名世界第12;2017年世界大学学术排名世界第13;2018年QS世界大学排名世界第14、泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名世界第19、usnews世界大学排名世界第23。
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