A postdoctoral position is available in the Lemos lab (http://lemoslab.org/publications/) at Harvard University T. H. Chan School of Public Health. The ideal candidate would have a strong expertise in bioinformatics and keen interest in themes of genomics, epigenetics, DNA methylation analysis, nuclear architecture, and aging. The ideal candidate would be motivated to pursue computational analyses of genomic/epigenomic data and be inspired by the biology of human and model organism aging.
Our laboratory is housed at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health, located within a vibrant research community that also includes the Harvard Medical School and several affiliated hospitals. The school has significant strengths in biostatistics, computational biology, genomics, engineering, and experimental biology that will be within reach of the fellow. Candidates should be self-motivated and have the ability to work independently as well as collaborate and support other team members.
Proficiency in>Experience with DNA methylation analysis is a plus
Experience with genomics and/or epigenomics, as indicated by a publication record.
Ability to drive her/his own projects as well as collaborate and contribute to the development of projects of other lab members
Informal enquires of interested candidates with other backgrounds and interests are also welcome (e.g., biochemistry, cell biology, etc)
Applications should be sent to Bernardo Lemos at blemos@hsph.harvard.edu. Please send a cover letter describing your interests, expertise, and research vision (~ 1-2 pages) and a C.V. containing contact information for three references. Please add the phrase 「Postdoctoral Application」 in the subject line of your introductory email.
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