(Dr. Rao’s home page,, main basic items: 1) heterogeneous charge mobile mechanism of the solar cell;2) photoelectricity and electrocatalysis;3) the interfacial photochemical reaction of aerosol increased
1) Materials science. A)to understand carrier dynamics of 2D layered and 3D organic perovskite by using time-resolved transient absorption and luminenscece lifetime;B) the Plasmon and exciton – enhanced interfacial charge transfer by time – resolved SFG.C) Photocatalysis and electrocatalysis
2) Environmental chemistry. Our interest lies in surface photochemistry occurrence at surface surfaces;
CSC joint scholarship applicant or CSC visiting scholar
1) positive and studious, with good team spirit;
2) material, chemistry (chemical engineering), biochemistry, environment, electronics, physics professional background is acceptable;
3) there are no mandatory requirements for the paper;Reach the minimum language standard of CSC (papers and ielts scores are relatively easy to pass CSC audit);
4) PI will conduct a Skype interview for CSC applicants as soon as possible, and send an invitation letter through the interview;
Applicants can send their English resumes to PI, Dr. Yi Rao
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