Introduction to the:
Hepatitis B Virus Ribonuclease H Molecular Virology and Cell Biology
Postdoctoral Scholar/A visiting scholar
A highly motivated molecular biologist/virologist with experience in virus-host interactions is sought to explore the impact of the HBV ribonuclease H>Qualifications are a Ph.D. in molecular biology or related field with experience in cellbiology and/or virology, plus 0-4 year’s postdoctoral experience. The successful candidate will work in a multi-disciplinary collaborative team under Dr. John Tavis’ supervision to evaluate how the HBV ribonuclease H contributes to viral reverse transcription, identify resistance mutations to ribonuclease H inhibitors, and determine how inhibiting the ribonuclease H affects the virus’ host cell.
Salary will be competitive and dependent> Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Saint Louis University School of Medicine, 1100 S. Grand Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63104 USA,, and also submit a cover letter, application, and current curriculum vitae to Three letters of recommendation and copies of representative publications will be requested from promising candidates. Review of applications begins immediately and continues until the position is filled.
Saint Louis University is a Catholic, Jesuit institution dedicated to student learning, research, healthcare and service. It is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages nominations of and application from women and minorities.
院校简介 圣路易斯大学(SaintLouisUniversity)是一所隶属于天主教会的大学,是全美研究型大学中名列前茅的学校之一。创建于1818年,大学共有13个学院,提供86种不同的大学部学程(Undergraduate Majors)与50种研究所学程(Graduate Majors)。学校的专业设置众多,其研究实力在全美大学中名列前茅,课程设置和教学反映了现实社会的需要,同时为学生提供就业咨询服务。 圣路易斯大学是一所研究型大学,其研究成果丰硕,常常受到各项学术评比的肯定。例如2004年U.S. News and World Report‘s便把该校列为前百名美国最佳大学(America‘s Best 100 Colleges)。此外,美国华尔街日报(The Wall Street Journal)也将该校名列为全美前50名的重点精英培育学校(straight-A students are ”scrambling” to get in to)。
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