Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason is committed to winning the fight against autoimmune diseases such as type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis, and immune system diseases such as allergies and asthma.
BRI is an internationally recognized medical research institute that accelerates discovery by tackling questions from every angle, translating immunology breakthroughs into clinical therapies and healthier patients.
As a non-profit organization within the Virginia Mason Health System, BRI oversees all clinical research at Virginia Mason and BRI, uniquely combining the expertise of a world-renowned medical research institute with the remarkable care of a healthcare quality leader.
BRI supports Virginia Mason clinical investigators in studies across a wide variety of diseases and conditions, As a non-profit organization within the Virginia Mason Health System, BRI oversees all clinical research at Virginia Mason and BRI, such as cardiology and cancer, in addition to autoimmune diseases, allergy and asthma.
The Research Associate in the Bettelli lab will be engaged in studying novel pathways regulating the differentiation and pathogenicity of T cells, the function of regulatory T cell biology in autoimmunity.
Work includes use animal models and human samples. Recent or anticipated PhD, MD/PhD or visiting scholar in Immunology or related fields.
The scientist will be engaged in studying novel pathways regulating the differentiation and pathogenicity of T cells, the function of regulatory T cell biology in autoimmunity. Work includes use animal models and human samples. Immunology, in vivo mouse models and flow cytometry experience are necessary.
The Harrison Lab works to understand the mechanisms controlling host-microbe interactions at barrier sites such as the skin and gastrointestinal tract. We study how our resident commensal microbes influence the development, education and function of our immune system. molecular biology and/or bioinformatics-based analysis of epigenetic/transcriptomic datasets are strongly preferred. Experience of animal models of inflammation or infection is preferable but not essential. education and function of our immune system.
Research in the Lacy-Hulbert lab focuses on the mechanisms of innate immune recognition of self and foreign organisms, and regulation of innate and adaptive immune responses.
In immunology or a related field (such as host-pathogenesis/microbiology/ virology) and experience in immunology, cell biology and/or molecular biology are required. Experience of bioinformatics analysis and models of autoimmunity or inflammation are preferable but not essential.
The Long Laboratory is a translational immunology lab focused on better understanding underlying mechanisms of autoimmune disease, patient variability, and response to therapy. Prefer experience with flow cytometry and experience with large data-sets.
Benefits include medical, dental, vision, & life insurance, retirement plan, transportation subsidy, 3 weeks of vacation per year, plus 12 paid holidays (9 fixed and 3 float days).
Please view the full position announcement and application instructions at
乔治梅森大学(George Mason University,简称GMU)是美国著名的一级国家级大学,也是近十年来在美国迅速崛起的一所主要的大学。学校正式成立于1972年,前身是弗吉尼亚大学的附属学院,独立后锐意拓展,在短短的40多年间就诞生了两位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者和三位普利策奖得主。
乔治梅森大学(George Mason University 简称GMU 或 Mason),位于北弗吉尼亚州华盛顿特区附近的科技走廊中心地带。
George Mason University是一个富有创新精神、朝气蓬勃并在一系列的学科领域享有世界级声誉的新兴大学。凭借在公共政策、机械工程、经济学、信息技术、生物技术和医药保健等领域的雄厚科研与教学实力,30多年来,乔治梅森大学为全世界和各个地区输送着人才。
因其发展发展迅猛和创新精神被受关注。现在,乔治梅森大学拥有近30,000位学生,是弗吉尼亚招生人数最多的大学。它也那个地方最多元化的大学。《时代杂志》评价乔治梅森是个 “挑战国家精英的学校”。《美国新闻》和《世界报道》说这个学校“有一群很受尊敬的经济学家和高技术学者”。
乔治梅森大学,在短短的30多年间就有两位诺贝尔经济学奖获得者先后加盟(詹姆斯·布坎南(JamesM.Buchanan)和弗农·史密斯(Vernon L.Smith)。另有三位普利策新闻奖得主在校任教(Roger Wilkins,因报道水门事件而获奖;Martin Sherwin,因撰写Robert Oppenheimer传记而获奖;Steven Pearlstein,因准确分析复杂的经济形势而获奖)。乔治梅森大学的杰出人物还包括鲁宾逊教授,普利策奖获得者电子及电气工程师学员会百年纪念奖章获得者。此外,乔治梅森大学还获得过富布莱特法案基金、国家自然科学基金和国家文学捐赠基金的获。
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