Job Description:
The UCLA Division of NanoMedicine and California NanoSystems Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles are recruiting researcher to join a team of highly integrated scientists exploring the use of engineered nanomaterials for cancer chemotherapy and chemo-immunotherapy applications.
We are looking for an individual with hands-on experience in the use of nanomaterials for drug delivery and tumor immunology applications.
Professors Andre Nel and Huan Meng are looking for a highly qualified Researcher with superior knowledge of nanotherapeutics, tumor immunology, drug delivery, medicinal chemistry, and nanomaterial-enabled immunotherapy to perform research utilizing nanocarriers and nanocarrier design to develop a chemo-immunotherapy platform in CNSI.
The successful candidate will possess interdisciplinary skills and hands-on experience in conducting nanomaterial synthesis and cellular and animal studies based on a detailed understanding of nanomaterial properties and cargos to deliver drugs and raise anti-tumor responses.
Researcher will assist in planning of experiments, methods development, and conduct productive research in the field of tumor chemo-immunotherapy.
Position is available for immediate occupancy for a 1-2 year appointment, contingent on background experience, performance, and continued availability of funding.
Candidate must have completed their PhD or visiting scholarin immunology, cancer biology or materials science and have hands-on experience in nanotherapeutics.
Candidates with pharmaceutical science expertise and drug delivery experience are encouraged to apply.
Applicants who have already served 3 years as a Postdoctoral Researcher at other institutions are not eligible to apply.
Please forward curriculum vitae and 3 references to David Avery, Chief Administrative Officer, UC CEIN (
Direct applications only – NO AGENCIES.
Contact Information:
David Avery
California NanoSystems Institute
570 Westwood Plaza 6522 CNSI
Los Angeles,California
United States
加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA,University of California, Los Angeles),于1919年5月23日始建,坐落于美国加州洛杉矶市,是世界著名的公立研究型大学,环太平洋大学联盟成员,被誉为美国商业金融、高科技产业、电影艺术等人才的摇篮。
UCLA在2018-19Wall Street Journal、Times Higher Education以及US News多个排名中均高居美国公立大学第一,在2018QS毕业生就业力排名中位列世界第二,在2018福布斯最具价值大学排名中位列全美第一,是美国申请人数最多的大学。
UCLA是美国商业金融、高科技产业、电影艺术等专业人才的摇篮。它是加利福尼亚大学系统中的第二所大学,与加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)齐名,是美国最好的公立大学之一。
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