加州大学伯克利分校(伯克利,University of California, Berkeley),是世界著名公立研究型大学,在学术界享有盛誉,是世界上最重要的研究及教学中心之一。
Position is available in the laboratory of Dr. James Olzmann at the University of California, Berkeley.
The Olzmann research group investigates the fundamental principles that govern organelle and lipid homeostasis in health and disease.
The lab leverages interdisciplinary approaches, including systems-level discovery strategies (e.g. CRISPR screens) and cell biology / biochemistry methods, to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying:
1) The biogenesis and functions of neutral lipid storage organelles called lipid droplets
2) Lipotoxicity, such as the pathways that govern oxidative lipid damage in the non-apoptotic cell death pathway known as ferroptosis.
The lab is interested in the potential to target lipid storage and lipotoxicity pathways for therapeutic benefit in metabolic disease and cancer.
The exact aims of the research project will be tailored to the expertise of the applicant and to complement the overarching Olzmann lab research interests.
The Olzmann lab seeks highly motivated applicants with the courage, creativity, and passion to transcend boundaries in order to discover fundamental principles of biology.
An ideal candidate will be energetic and enjoy working independently as well as collaboratively.
The lab seeks to cultivate a diverse, inclusive, and supportive environment.
The position is on the UC Berkeley campus, which offers exceptional opportunities to engage with the intellectually rich research community at UC Berkeley and the surrounding Bay Area.
Preferred Qualifications:
Applicants must have received their Ph.D. within the last five years.
Strong experience in cell biology and/or biochemistry approaches is highly desirable.
The position is available beginning in the Fall, but the start date of the position can be negotiated.
This position is appointed on a yearly basis, with the possibility of renewal depending on performance and the availability of funds.
For more information about the laboratory and recent publications, visit http://www.olzmannlab.com.
Specific questions regarding the recruitment can be directed to Professor Olzmann, olzmann@berkeley.edu.
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