An NIH grant-funded postdoctoral or visiting scholar position is available immediately in the laboratory of Robert H. Silverman, Department of Cancer Biology, Lerner Research Institute at Cleveland Clinic.
The Silverman laboratory probes fundamental innate immune responses that impact viral infections and cancer. The ability of viruses to evade the interferon (IFN) antiviral response plays an important role in viral tropism, viral mediated inflammation and disease pathogenesis.
IFNs exert their antiviral effects in part through 2’,5’-oligoadenylate (2-5A) synthetase (OAS)-RNase L, the focus of our research. Current topics include viral and host enzymes that enhance or suppress the IFN antiviral response and small molecular regulators of RNase L activity with the potential for antiviral drug development.
For information about the laboratory visit: www.lerner.ccf.org/cancerbio/silverman/
A Ph.D. or a visiting scholar in virology, cancer biology, cell biology, immunology or biochemistry is required. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated with excellent written and oral communication skills and publications.
Email your c.v. including a statement of your research interests, career goals and a list of three references, to Dr. Robert H. Silverman: silverr@ccf.org
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