哈佛大学(哈佛,Harvard University),于1636年始建, 坐落于美国马萨诸塞州,是一所享誉世界的私立研究型大学,前身是新市民学院,由马萨诸塞州殖民地立法机关创建,是著名的常春藤盟校成员。
Position Description:
Dr. Kosuke Imai, Professor of the Department of Government and the Department of Statistics, and faculty affiliate of the Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS) at Harvard University, solicits applications for a Postdoctoral or a visiting scholar Fellow position in statistics and causal inference, with a targeted start date of January 2021 (though there may be flexibility to start earlier or later), for a one-year term, with the possibility of renewal based on funding and performance.
The Fellow will work with Professor Imai on a number of causal inference projects that range from the identification of spillover effects to the estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects in complex settings.
This is part of a larger collaborative project with Francesca Dominici (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health) and Jose Zubizarreta (Harvard Medical School), funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The appointment will be administered by the Institute for Quantitative Social Science.
IQSS sits in the Division of Social Science, which is strongly committed to creating and supporting a diverse workforce. Respect and fairness, kindness and collegiality, and trust and transparency are among the values we espouse and promote in our workplace culture. We work hard to ensure a healthy, inclusive and positive environment where everyone does their best work in support of Harvard’s mission.
Basic Qualifications:
Research experiences and Ph.D. in statistics, computer science, quantitative social sciences, or related fields, required.
PLEASE NOTE: If you have obtained your Ph.D. in the past 12 months you must be able to provide a certificate of completion from the degree-granting institution OR a letter from the institute’s registrar stating all requirements for the degree have been successfully completed and should verify the date the degree has been conferred. No exceptions.
Additional Qualifications:
Applicants should have strong methodological skills and interests in social science applications.
Contact Information:
Emilee Martichenko
Contact Email: emartichenko@wcfia.harvard.edu
Special Instructions:
PLEASE DO NOT APPLY ONLINE. Only applicants who follow these instructions will be considered.
A complete application should include:
a) A cover letter
b) A curriculum vitae
c) A two-to-four page research statement
d) At most three research papers
e) Names and email addresses of two to three letters of reference
Applicants should email items (a)-(d) as a single PDF file to Ms. Emilee Martichenko at emartichenko@wcfia.harvard.edu
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