Positions information:
The Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) invites applications from emerging nations for its Molina Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.
The fellowship provides two years of support for exceptional early-career scientists who will pursue studies in environmental sciences.
Molina Fellows will then return to their home countries better able to address complex environmental concerns. The Fellow will work under the supervision of an MIT faculty advisor in the area of environmental science of interest to the applicant.
Social benefits:
Fellows receive an annual stipend of $62,000, full coverage of premiums for affiliate health and basic dental and vision insurance, and a discretionary allowance of $5,000 per year. Applicants must have obtained a Ph.D. degree in science or engineering by the start date.
Women and minority candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
Application method:
More Information:
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