康奈尔大学(Cornell University),位于美国纽约州伊萨卡,是一所世界顶级私立研究型大学(另有两个校区位于纽约市和卡塔尔教育城),为美国大学协会的十四个创始院校之一,以及著名的常春藤盟校的八个成员之一。
We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join Dr. Kleaveland’s newly-established basic research lab in the Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City.
The Kleaveland Lab (kleavelandlab.org) is passionate about uncovering the rules and roles of regulatory noncoding RNAs (microRNAs, long noncoding RNAs, circular RNAs, etc.) in human health and disease.
If you are naturally curious about biology and enjoy working in a creative and collaborative environment, we would love to work with you!
Job Requirements:
We are looking for enthusiastic, curious scientists who are interested in joining our growing team. We value kindness, grit, and diversity.
Women and minorities are specifically encouraged to apply. Applicants must possess a visiting scholar 、a PhD or MD and have a demonstrated publication track record.
The candidate should have extensive lab experience with molecular biology, cell biology, and/or biochemistry skills.
Expertise in any of the following areas is valued though not required: RNA biology, molecular neuroscience, computational biology, and mouse models.
To apply:
Interested applicants should send their CV, contact information for 2–3 references, and a cover letter that includes research interests and career goals.
Please include a paragraph describing what you would like to work on in the Kleaveland Lab. New projects, ideas, and approaches are encouraged.
Ben Kleaveland, M.D., Ph.D.
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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