耶鲁大学(Yale University),简称“耶鲁”(Yale),坐落于美国康涅狄格州纽黑文,是一所世界著名的私立研究型大学,全美第三古老的高等学府。 耶鲁大学是美国大学协会的14所创始院校之一,也是著名的常春藤联盟成员。
The Pieribone lab is developing state-of-the-art genetically encoded fluorescent voltage indicators and bioluminescent indicators for recording neuronal activity.
The projects also include the study of bioluminescence pathways in native organisms in efforts to identify and characterize novel luciferases and their substrates that can be adopted for functional imaging.
The work involves design and development of high throughput screening platforms, and further optimization of the indicators for in vitro and in vivo imaging in various model organisms using multi- and single-photon microscopy.
Candidates should a PhD or a visiting scholar in the field of Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, or Biochemistry and have an interest in systems neuroscience and the development and application of optical methods to study neuronal activity.
Techniques of interest include electrophysiology, behavior, optical imaging using 2P and 1P microscopy, molecular cloning, protein expression and purification, protein engineering, and biochemistry.
Applicants are expected to be able to design and execute independent research projects.
A coterminous postdoctoral appointment in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology in the Yale School of Medicine is anticipated.
The John B. Pierce Laboratory offers excellent benefits with employer paid health insurance and free parking.
To apply:
Please submit a single PDF file to pdneuro@jbpierce.org including:
1) A cover letter with a (brief) statement of research experience and interest,
2) Curriculum Vitae,
3) A list of three references.
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