纽约大学(New York University)简称NYU,是一所位于纽约州的世界顶尖私立研究型大学,成立于1831年,由18个学院和研究所组成,是全美办学规模最大的私立名校之一,同时还在中国和阿联酋建有上海纽约大学和纽约大学阿布扎比分校。
The Cai Lab has postdoc, graduate student, and visiting scholar/student positions open to study Optical Metasurfaces and Nanophotonic Biosensors.
As part of the Health Technology and Engineering Institute (Tech4Health) at New York University Grossman School of Medicine, we build new paradigms of nanotechnology for use in biological and biomedical applications, including optical metasurfaces for bio-imaging and bio-sensing, tunable metasurfaces, and nano-engineered biomimetic surfaces for mechanobiology study.
Immersed in the unique vibrant and innovative environment of the New York City, and one of the foremost medical schools in US (recently ranked # 4 by ‘U.S. News & World Report’), this is an ideal place for engineering researchers to design technologies to improve human health.
Detail Requirements
Candidates must have a degree in engineering (electrical, mechanical, chemical, biomedical), materials science, physics, chemistry, or other related fields.
Those with expertise in optical metasurfaces (near infrared, visible), nanophotonic/plasmonic sensors, nanofabrication (hands-on cleanroom experience), soft materials, are encouraged to apply.
Those with a strong background in optics and rich experience in optical experiments, finite-difference time domain (FDTD) simulation, high-resolution nanofabrication (e-beam lithography), integration or directed self-assembly of tunable/responsive soft materials (e.g., liquid crystalline polymer/elastomer, hydrogel, colloid, biomolecular ligand/probe) are preferred.
Experience that spans multiple fields is a plus.
We seek candidates who are strongly motivated, open-minded, and capable of both independent and collaborative research work.
Demonstrated ingenuity, productivity, communication and writing skills, and an excellent record of publications is preferred.
To apply, send your CV to Prof. Haogang Cai, at haogang.cai@nyu.edu.
Please include a detailed description of your research interests and a full list of publications.
This position will remain open until filled. For more information, visit the lab website at https://www.cai-labs.com/.
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