西北大学(Northwestern University),创立于1851年,坐落于美国伊利诺伊州东北部城市埃文斯顿,是一所享誉世界的顶尖私立研究型大学,十大联盟创始成员和美国大学协会成员。西北大学位列2020U.S. News美国最佳大学排名第9位;位列CWUR世界大学排名第15位;位列2020THE世界大学排名第22位,位列2020自然指数世界排名25位。
Northwestern University
Location: Chicago, IL
Job Number: 7068906
Posting Date: Aug 14, 2020
Application Deadline: Open Until Filled
Job Description:
Post-doc、visiting scholar or Research associate positions available immediately in cutting-edge translational Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Laboratory at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and NIH-designated Robert Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center (https://sites.northwestern.edu/jenniferwu).
Research focuses on one of the following areas:
1) Cancer therapeutic resistance and immune evasion mechanisms;
2) Development of novel T cell and NK cell-based cancer immunotherapies;
3) Cancer-immunotherapy associated autoimmune toxicity with our state-of-the art conditional knock-in animal models.
Highly competitive salary and benefit package:
Candidates must be highly self-motivated with PhD or MD and strong background in immunology/molecular biology.
Experience in animal models is required. Competitive salary and benefit package.
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