Researcher In Signal Transduction
Karolinska Institute Stockholm
Do you want to contribute to top quality medical research?
The overall research interest is to understand signal-transduction in the pancreatic beta cell, with the aim to understand the many molecular interactions generated by glucose metabolism and leading to insulin secretion.
Your mission
The successful applicant is expected to work on a collaborative project aiming at generating synthetic islet organoids modified to optimize beta cell function and survival or, alternatively, engineered to continuously produce and secrete active peptides and hormones of choice; for example, compounds regulating insulin secretion, calcium signaling, appetite or calcium metabolism. Synthetic modifications can include genetic engineering as well as manipulation of the endocrine cell composition and cytoarchitecture within pseudoislet. The applicant will be responsible for generating pseudoislets as well as assessing their functional properties both in vitro and in vivo.
Your profile
We are looking for a highly motivated candidate who would have combined expertise in the fields of islet biology, chemosensory sciences, nutritional physiology and feeding behavior. An ideal candidate should hold a PhD in Physiology and have minimum of 5 years of postdoctoral research experience in the field of islet biology. This is a demanding position that would require solid background in laboratory animal research as well as knowledge of a number of in vitro and in vivo techniques. The work on the specified project requires prior documented experience with methods of assessment of islet function including but not limited to glucose- stimulated insulin secretion and calcium imaging, and generation of islet-like organoids from islet cells (pseudoislets). Familiarity with in vitro and in vivo islet imaging by laser scanning confocal microscopy, immunohistochemistry, flow cytometry and in situ hybridisation techniques will be required for the evaluation of the success of genetic modifications of organoids. The candidate must be experienced with carrying out intraperitoneal and oral glucose tolerance tests as well as insulin tolerance tests in small rodents. Solid background in calcium metabolism and extensive documented experience with techniques to evaluate taste function, feeding and drinking behavior in rodents are required.
A person is eligible to be appointed Researcher if he or she has been awarded a Degree of Doctor or has achieved the corresponding scientific competence, as well as documented research after the defense of his or her doctoral thesis.
Read more:https:// ki.se/en/mmk/signal-transduction
We prefer that Your application is written in English, but You can also apply in Swedish. An application must contain the following documents: Resumé, qualifications and description of planned research, presented in accordance with Karolinska Institutet’s qualifications portfolio.
Welcome to apply at the latest 13 June 2021