Project Researcher in Cell Biology, Inflammatory Disease Imaging and Modelling
Abo Akademi University
Please see the announcement in Swedish below
Åbo Akademi University Research Flagship InFLAMES: Innovation Ecosystem based on the Immune System, funded by the Academy of Finland and a Novo Nordisk funded project on modifiers of diabetes, invites applications for a fixed-term
Project researcher(postdoc) position in the field of pre-clinical molecular and cellular research and imaging of inflammatory processes from 1.1.2022 (or as agreed) to 31.12.2023. The fixed-termed position is full time and the location of work is in Turku.
The InFLAMES Flagship is a joint effort of Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku and the associated ecosystem. It aims at being an internationally recognized, top-level, immunological research and development cluster attracting both researchers and business partners. It will produce break- through knowledge on immunological principles and diseases. The Flagship also aims to provide novel discoveries, which lead to improved diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory disorders. Innovations, internationally recognized scientists, an extensive state-of-the-art research infrastructure and intensive academy–industry interactions form the foundation of the InFLAMES Flagship research.
The group seeks a project researcher to work on in vivo pre-clinical diagnostic imaging techniques (PET/CT) and molecular epithelial biology research in inflammatory diseases in digestive epithelia, within the InFLAMES Flagship and a Novo Nordisk funded project. Intestinal and pancreatic islet epithelial cell integrity is essential in the protection from inflammatory diseases of the gut and in diabetes. Our goal is to test and develop, within a highly collaborative environment with basic scientist and clinicians, molecular in vivo pre-clinical imaging modalities for inflammatory bowel diseases and diabetes using murine disease models, and as well as understand molecular disease pathways with focus on mechanical properties of epithelial cells related to diabetes susceptibility
Key Responsibilities:
Conduct scientific research related to inflammatory and mechanical factors, as well as develop novel diagnostic tools using pre-clinical models, with focus on inflammatory diseases including bowel diseases and/or diabetes within the Flagship’s research profile (please see https: // inflames.utu.fi/)
Activity in applying for external research funding
The project researcher is required to work a total of 1,612 hours per year. The work tasks will be defined in detail in an annual work plan.
PhD in biosciences or other relevant discipline
Strong communication skills, including written and oral communication in English
Outstanding potential and established excellence in research
Applicants are expected to have demonstrated expertise in inflammatory diseases, imaging and/or epithelial biology research and competency in applying central cell and molecular biology methods.
Strong organizational and collaborative skills
Desirable qualifications
Experience in in vivo imaging, diabetes studies
International research experience
An appointment will be based on an overall assessment of the applicant’s potential for development and competences in relation to the necessary qualities to successfully carry out the tasks for the position.
A trial period applies to new employees.
The project researcher’s salary is based on requirement levels 5–6 for teaching and research personnel in accordance with the University salary system, https: // www. sivista.fi/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Salary- Scales-010820-and-010621.pdf. In addition, an individual salary component based on personal work performance is added to the salary.
The application should be submitted electronically in the ÅAU recruitment system (www. abo.fi/rekrytering) no later than 7 th December 2021 at 12:00 (Finnish time zone). Application instructions can be found here: https: // www. abo.fi/en/instructions-appendices-in-applications-reserach-and- teaching-staff/
The application should include the following enclosures (in English):
A researcher’s curriculum vitae composed in compliance with the instructions given by the Finnish National Board in Research Integrity: https: // tenk.fi/en/advice-and-materials/template-researchers-curriculum- vitae
A full list of publications
Personal statement or motivation letter containing a description of your scientific background and research interests, and how they relate to research conducted at the InFLAMES Flagship (max. 2 pages)
A certificate of a doctoral degree within a relevant field
Recommendation letter from at least two previous supervisors
Further information about the position may be obtained from Associate Professor Diana Toivola, diana.toivolaaabo.fi (Cell biology at Faculty of Science and Engineering) or HR Specialist Sabina Ringvall, sabina.ringvallaabo.fi.