A Postdoc in computational biology is available in the Diaz lab at UCSF funded by grants from the NIH and private foundations. As a member of the UCSF Brain Tumor Center our mission is the development of therapeutics for brain cancer. Our core competencies include single-cell genomics, bioinformatics, and brain-tumor biology.
We have ongoing research efforts studying immune suppression in brain tumors via a functional genomics approach, profiling clinical specimens using single-cell and spatial technologies. We have generated several million single-cell mRNA, ATAC, scCUT&Tag, ST, and other libraries from hundreds of human adult and pediatric brain tumors. Additionally, we are pioneering digital spatial profiling and single-cell epigenetic assays, as well as deep-learning and bioinformatics approaches to analyze these data.
The duties of bioinformatics postdocs include bioinformatics analyses of single-cell, spatial, and bulk ‘omics data. The minimum requirements for the position are: 1) a PhD in the biomedical sciences or a related discipline; 2) experience with ‘omics data analysis and strong programming skills in a relevant language (e.g. R, Python); 3) multiple first-author papers in respectable journals; 4) fluency in English, and the interpersonal skills to negotiate professional interactions in a diverse environment; and 5) the willingness to work hard in the pursuit of shared goals.
Interested candidates should send an email to aaron.diaz@ucsf.edu, with the following:
– CV
– Cover letter, please indicate your preferred start date.
– Names and contacts of three references.