张钊实验室 (ZZ-Lab, https://thezzlab.com) 位于美国杜克大学医学院药学及肿瘤生物学系(https://pharmacology.duke.edu)。实验室位于风景优美的美国北卡莱罗纳州科研金三角地区。本课题组现有两个主要研究方向:
(1)转座子在生理和病理条件下的调控和功能 (主要以果蝇和小鼠为模型)。
(2)环状DNA(ecDNA)在生理和病理条件下的产生机制和作用 (主要以果蝇和肿瘤耐药性为模型)。
现根据科研需求,招聘博后3名。请具有良好分子生物学,或生物化学,或遗传学,或免疫学,或生物信息学训练基础的博士生递交简历至 z.z@duke.edu。
2022⎜ bioRxiv
Yang F#, Su W#, Chung O, Tracy L, Wang L, Ramsden D, Zhang Z. (#Co-first authors)
Retrotransposon hijacks alt-EJ DNA repair pathway for mobilization and eccDNA biogenesis.
2022⎜ Nature Genetics
Wang L#, Tracy L#, Su W, Yang F, Feng Y, Silverman N, Zhang Z. (#Co-first authors)
Retrotransposon activation during Drosophila metamorphosis conditions adult antiviral responses.
2018⎜ Developmental Cell
Moon S#, Cassani M#, Lin Y, Wang L, Dou K, Zhang Z. (#Co-first authors)
A robust transposon-endogenizing response from germline stem cells.
2018⎜ Cell
Wang L#, Dou K#, Moon S, Tan F, Zhang Z. (#Co-first authors)
Hijacking oogenesis enables massive propagation of LINE and retroviral transposons.
The laboratory is committed to the cultivation of team members for a long time. In our team, we respect the interests and long-term career needs of every member, and encourage learning, communication and cooperation with an open mind. Relying on a good scientific research atmosphere and with the efforts of each member, all the former postgraduates of our team have now become independent professors.