Post-Doctoral Position in Host-Virus interaction, Lee Lab at Brown University
The Lee Lab at Brown University (RI, USA) seeks to recruit outstanding applicants for a postdoctoral associate position. Our research focuses on understanding the mechanism of controlling host-virus interactions in cells and animals, such as how the host controls viral infection and how viruses counteract to the host immune system. The goal is to identify novel cellular genes/molecules to cure and to prevent infectious diseases caused by viruses.
Brown University is an Ivy League university, and an internationally recognized biomedical research institute. The Lee lab is in the Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology at Brown University. We utilize mouse models with a variety of knock-out and knock-in mouse lines to investigate viral pathogenesis, and also employ unbiased screening using CRISPR knock-out (CRISPRko) and CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) techniques to discover novel anti-viral or pro-viral cellular genes. The institute has an excellent support system for mouse work (e.g., animal facilities, stem cell core, and transgenics cores) and for molecular cell biology (e.g., flow cytometry core, Next-Gen-Sequencing core, and Imaging core).
Potential projects in the Lee Lab will build on exciting recent findings including
- Norovirus: Pathogenesis and cell tropism of murine norovirus in a mouse model
- SARS-CoV-2: Entry regulation and immune evasion of SARS-CoV-2
- Study of innate & adaptive immune controls of viral infection and immune evasion by viruses
- Discovery of novel cellular genes and pathways modulating virus infection
Visit the lab website to see details (https://sites.brown.edu/leelab/)