We seek self-supported students (for visiting/exchange or pursuing a MS or PhD degree) to work in the following research areas: 1) Metabolic engineering/synthetic biology/biotechnology for value-added biofuel and biochemical production; 2) Bioprocess engineering/fermentation for value-added bioproducts production; 3) Water pollution control: wastewater treatment, reclamation and reuse using both biological and physicochemical approaches; 4) Environmental molecular biology: microbial genomics, genetics and transcriptomics; 5) Pathogen control with biological engineering and synthetic biology approaches. Self-supported individuals (e.g. with institutional or governmental fellowship/scholarship, such as the CSC fellowship, or financial support from other sources) are welcome to apply. Additional financial support could be possibly provided based on the individual’s competency. Dr. Yi Wang will help the candidates to prepare the application materials for the CSC fellowship application, including a Provisional Offer Letter provided by the Auburn Graduate School. Auburn University gives full tuition waiver for the applicants with CSC fellowship support. For the applicants with CSC fellowship support, GRE score is not required. If you are interested, please send your CV, and other relevant information to Dr. Yi Wang at yiwang3@auburn.edu. |
奥本大学(英语:Auburn University),位于美国阿拉巴马州奥本,成立于1856年,是一所著名的公立大学,也是阿拉巴马州最大的校园。
2017US News & World Report全美研究生院排名:第62名。
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