英国华威大学(University of Warwick) Assistant Professor Dr. Tianhua Xu课题组接收光通信、光网络、机器学习方向访问学者1-2名
华威大学(The University of Warwick),全球百强名校,英国顶尖研究型大学 ,目前全球排名为全球57名(QS世界大学2017-2018排名)。华威大学位于英国英格兰中部华威郡和考文垂市的交界处,创立于1965年。华威大学以其严格的学生筛选标准,高水准的学术研究和教学质量而闻名,在英国主流媒体排名中,稳居英国前五名至前十名,在QS世界大学排名中稳居全球百强、乃至前五十名 。
Optical networks form an integral part of the world-wide communication infrastructure and nowadays over 95% of all digital data traffic is carried over fibres. Meeting the ever-growing information rate demands has become of utmost importance for optical communication networks. Optical fibre channel is nonlinear, that is, its refractive index, is dependent on signal intensity. At high power densities, the combination of fibre nonlinear effects, dispersion as well as laser phase fluctuation and transceiver noise will lead to nonlinear distortions, limiting both achievable capacities, spectral efficiencies and transmission distances. New research and development is critically required not only for finding new native nonlinear communication techniques but also transferring them into practical, error-resilient networks.
1. Machine learning and Digital signal processing in optical communication networks
In optical communication, high performance computing and data center systems, as high-speed and high-order modulated signals are applied, system performance will be significantly degraded by transmission impairments, such as bandwidth limitation, dispersion, polarization dependent loss, channel fading, laser phase noise and nonlinear distortions from optical channels and components. In this project, reconfiguration of optical communication networks and data center systems will be investigated based on digital signal processing and machine learning techniques in conjunction with software-defined transceivers, to compensate for transmission impairments and to realize the optimum detection of optical signals.
2. Information rates and Channel estimation of optical networks
In optical communication networks, signals of different users are often multiplexed at different wavelengths, and will interact with each other due to the linear and nonlinear effects in optical channels and devices. Thus it is of importance to develop accurate physical estimation for nonlinear channels and components to assess the achievable capacity and mutual information of optical communication networks. In this research, fundamental limits of optical transparent networks will be studied considering the linear and nonlinear physical impairments in the link, such as chromatic dispersion, polarization mode dispersion, laser phase noise, self-/cross-phase modulation, four-wave mixing, channel memory etc.
3. Optimization in elastic optical networks to maximize the throughputs
Based on software-defined transceivers and elastic optical networks, the transmission parameters, e.g. forward error correction (FEC) schemes, modulation formats, frequency separation (in flex-grid networks), optical launch powers and symbol rates etc. will be adapted and tailored to physical channels and components in the transparent wavelength routed networks. In addition, probabilistic shaping and geometric shaping will be applied to optimize the signals to have better tolerance against the degradations. All these degrees of freedom will be jointly optimized in conjunction with the routing of lightpaths through the optical network to maximize the overall capacity and resources.
University of Warwick has ranked 57th in QS World University Rankings 2018, and consistently ranks in the top 10 of all major rankings of British universities.
For more details regarding the application, please contact Dr Tianhua Xu
Email: tianhua.xu@warwick.ac.uk
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