1. Academic Background 学术背景
What is your highest degree? 你的最高学历是什么?
What school did you graduate from? When? What is your major? 你从哪个学校毕业什么时候毕业,专业是什么?
How many papers have you published? 你是否发表过文章?
2. Academic Purpose 学术目标
What are you going to do in the US? 你去美国做什么?
How do you know this university? 你是怎么知道这个学校的?
Why do you choose this Univ.? Any special reasons? 为什么选择这个学校?
Who is your supervisor? What is your research area? How did you know him/her? 你的指导老师是谁?你去之后主要研究什么?你怎么认识他的?
Do you have any research plans? 你在美国有什么研究计划吗?
What kind of research are you going to carry out in US? Did you have any related research experience in the past?你打算去美国做什么样的研究?你有相关的研究经历吗?
Why do you want to do this research project? 为什么想做这个项目或方向?
How long do you plan to stay in US? 你准备在美国待多久?
3. Career Plan 职业规划
What will you do after you finished your research in the US? 你在美国的访学结束后做什么?
4. Special Questions 其他问题
Are you married? When? What is your husband’s name? What is his job? How much will he earn each year?你结婚了吗?什么时候结的,你丈夫叫什么名字,他是做什么的,他一年能挣多少钱
Do you have any child? What’s his/her name? How old is she/he? What do he/she do?你有孩子吗?他叫什么?多大了?现在是做什么的?
Do you want your spouse/child go with you to the US this time? 你的孩子和丈夫会跟你一起去美国吗?
What is your present job? How long have you worked here? How much will you earn each year?你现在是做什么的?在这边工作多长时间了?你一年会挣多少钱?
What is your previous employer? 你之前做过什么工作呢
How much will you spend for your study in US? 你为你们在美国的生活准备的多少钱?
Have you ever been to other countries? 你去过其他国家吗?
Have you travelled to the US? 你之前去过美国吗?
Do you have any friends or relatives in the US? 你在美国有亲戚朋友吗?
Where will you live in the US?你到美国后会住在哪里?
Research Proposal/Study Plan 研究计划 / 学习计划
1. Research Area of Interest and Major:(please explain what your major is and what you plan to study) 你的专业和研究方向: (请说明你的专业和学习计划)
2. Advisor or Potential Advisor: (this means your research advisor not academic advisor) 导师或有意向的导师:(是你的研究导师而不是学术导师)
3. Is your program coursework only? If not, please tell us the name of your research project and give a basic description of your research. 你的学习项目只是授课形式?如果不是,请提供你的专项课题的具体名称和内容
4. Research Funding: (Where is the funding coming from?)研究专项资金:(你的研究专项资金从哪里获得?)
5. Practical Application of Research: 研究课题的实际应用
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